The meeting was held at the home of Dottie Villers.  President Reg Heitchue called the meeting to order at 8:15 and thanked Dottie for hosting the meeting.  All ExCom members were present.  The minutes of the May ExCom meeting were approved as distributed.  



Treasurer Ray Jones was not present, and there was no treasurer’s report. 





Wilma Sharer reported.  We have one new applicant member, David Scanlan.  Membership is now 190.



Bob Marx was not present.  Reg said that we need to have Bob designate someone to be present at the All Trips party.



David Abraham reported that arrangements have been made for the private tour of the new Air and Space Museum in September (September 18 at 10:00).  Wilma Sharer said that she has 44 people signed up for the Radio City Music Hall trip and two people are on the waiting list. Marilyn Clark spoke about a trip she is planning to the Brandywine area.  It will have to wait until spring, because of work being done on the conservatory at Longwood Gardens.



Ray McKinley reported on upcoming events.  The following events are planned:

  • Picnic at the Burns’ house on Lake Barcroft – 6/26
  • All Trips party at Heitchues’ house – 7/10
  • Copenhagen at the Olney Theater – 7/18
  • July ExCom meeting at McKinleys – 7/27
  • Tubing trip on the Shenandoah hosted by Shirley Rettig – 8/14
  • Wine-tasting, bring your own hors-d’oeuvres event hosted by Ray Jones – 8/21.



Jessma Blockwick was not present.


Marvin Hass said he wanted articles in to the TOOT by the 28th so we can get an announcement in for the All Trips party.  Flyers for the ski trips need to be in by the 28th.  For the people who get the TOOT by e-mail, flyers will be sent out by e-mail.  Marvin suggested having a special mailing just for all the flyers and sending them out separately. David Abraham suggested that we just send the flyers to everyone who gets the TOOT electronically.  Flyers will be available in print at the All Trips party.  This solution was agreed upon by all.




Incorporation - The PVS incorporation in DC expires in January 2005.  There is an online form  (one page) that the club needs to fill out.  The point of contact will be Ray Jones.  Ray McKinley motioned that we incorporate in Virginia and have Ray Jones handle it.  The motion was seconded by Marilyn Clark and approved unanimously.  John Brunelli will notify Ray Jones of our decision to move ahead with the incorporation and go ahead with processing the form.

By-laws – Marilyn Clark motioned that we accept the edits to the by-laws as distributed at the May ExCom meeting.   The motion was seconded by John Brunelli and approved unanimously.  The new by-laws will be posted on the web site by Marvin Hass.  Mike Strand will write an article for the TOOT stating that the by-laws have been approved and are available on the web site for members.  Dottie Villers will also send the ExCom minutes to Marvin for posting on the web site.

Trip evaluations – Charlie Huggins had ski trip evaluation forms from the SCWDC, Crabtowne Skiers, Baltimore Ski Club, and Columbia Ski Club, and he said he e-mailed them to Bob Marx.  He had copies available for those present to look at.  Reg Heitchue asked for a motion that the STC take on the task of reviewing and revising the ski trip evaluation forms (taking into account other ski clubs’ forms) and the process of evaluation and consult with past ski trip leaders in the process.  The motion was introduced and was seconded by Ray McKinley.  The motion passed unanimously.  The secretary will communicate this information to Bob Marx when the minutes are sent to him.

Financial reports   Charlie Huggins mentioned that the financial reports for the ski trips need to be turned in.  David Abraham will follow up with Bob Marx about the trip evaluations and the financial reports.



Ray McKinley brought up the subject of the PVS 40th anniversary in November of 2005.  He suggested putting together a committee to start working on the event.  Reg Heitchue suggested asking Joan Flake to head the committee, since she did the last anniversary dinner.  Reg will contact Joan and mention that Dottie Villers would be willing to work with her on the 40th anniversary party. 


Sara Huggins mentioned that Jan Marx had given her some leftover PVS badges that might be used.  It was decided that Sarah will give them to Dottie Villers for possible use at the anniversary dinner.


Dave DeVilbiss motioned to adjourn at 9:20.  The motion was seconded by Reg Heitchue and approved unanimously.