Minutes – PVS Excom Meeting – July 28, 2009

The meeting was held at the home of Ellie Thayer and Jack Chapman. Present were Mary Beale, Marvin Hass, Sue Lyon, Ray McKinley, Rosemary Schwartzbard, John Seabold, Ellie Thayer, and Dottie Villers.

The minutes from the June 23rd Excom meeting were approved as corrected.

Dottie distributed the July 28th Treasurer’s Report provided by Dick Laeser. Membership renewals brought in $2525. The renewal period extends through October 31, 2009. The current Club checking plus savings account balance is $13,383.04.

Dave Warthen provided the July 28th Membership Report electronically. He has been particularly busy in the last month serving various PVS needs. As he does with each issue of TOOT, Dave sent out the electronic version of the July TOOT to appropriate members. He provided the file for printing address labels for the print version. Carolyn and Dave DeVilbiss attended to the actual copying and mailing. As Membership Chair, Dave sent electronic forms of the Membership Renewal Application and Information sheet to 83 email addresses, representing 123 members. He sent an additional 39 applications by regular mail, representing 50 members. So far Dave has heard from 94 members (54.5% of the ‘07-‘09 membership) that they will be renewing for ’09-‘11. This is a greater percentage of members than had renewed at a similar time two years ago. Jean and Howard Hensley have informed Dave that they will not be renewing their membership.

Events and Meetings:

August 19- Wolf Trap Picnic& Show (Dottie Villers) September 22- Excom Meeting: Mary Beale

August 25- Excom Meeting: John Seabold October 18- Oktoberfest

September 11- Wilson Bridge bike/hike and lunch October 21- Frank Shelburne hike (Burke Lake)

(Rosemary Schwartzbard)

September 15- Monthly Meeting (Leonhardts)

Dottie reported that 28 individuals have signed up for the August 19th evening at Wolf Trap. A minimum of 20 was necessary to qualify for the group rate. Marvin said that he would put a reminder in the “August Update” (a list of upcoming events) that will be going out around August 1st. Dottie said that if there are still people interested, they should let her know. It’s quite possible that they could be included.

Dottie said that Oktoberfest would be held at the home of Sally Finan and George Welti as originally planned. There were concerns expressed by Ray and others that too much might be being put on Sally. However Dottie who lives only a short distance from Sally will be helping her. Sally has volunteered to lead the Frank Shelburne hike as well.

Rosemary passed out a brief description of the bike/hike proposed for September 11th. Participants will have the option of biking or hiking across the new north span of the Wilson Bridge via its pedestrian/bike path. The path connects with the National Harbor where the group will meet for lunch at the new McCormick and Schmick’s. Interested members should call or email Rosemary. Dottie thanked Rosemary for developing the idea. It fills a void in the month of September in the absence of the Crab Fest.

Ski-Trip Committee: Rosemary will alert Club members to the new travel requirements mandated by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) as part of its “Secure flight” program. In the future, individuals will be expected to make flight reservations using the exact name that appears on their boarding ID (i.e. passport, driver’s license, or other forms of identification). They will also be expected to provide their date of birth and gender in order to purchase tickets. Rosemary has prepared an announcement about this for the September TOOT.

Rosemary said that she would like to add the new Ski Trip Liability Waiver to the formal Ski Trip Guidelines as “attachment 6”. The Waiver was sanctioned by Excom at the June 23rd meeting. Dottie suggested notifying Dave Lerner so that he could make the appropriate addition on the Website.

One of the BRSC recommendations resulting from SCWDC’s experience with a delinquent tour operator was to suggest that members use credit cards for payments. Rosemary believes that SCWDC has started paying their vendors by credit card. This could be done by PVS ski trip leaders at their discretion. It’s estimated that it would increase trip costs by 3 to 4%. Rosemary suggested that ski trip leaders ask the accountant at their resort destination to notify them when the vendor had paid for lodging. Alternatively trip leaders could ascertain the date when the money was due and call the resort directly to confirm payment.

Ray asked how the trips for the upcoming season were doing. Dottie reported that there were 16 signed up for the February Jackson Hole trip. There is room for 28.

TOOT Editorship: August – Marvin Hass is planning an “August Update” that will be distributed to

members who are on the email list.

September – Dave Warthen will be the September guest editor if there are no other

takers. Sue Lyon has volunteered to send out the print version.

Other Business:

Mid-week and non-ski trip events coordinator – The position is unfilled but new suggestions were made people who might accept the job.

PVS 45th Anniversary Party (2010) – Although the occasion is more than a year away (11/2010), the Club has a proud history of celebrating its 5 year anniversaries with a definite flair. Rachel Abraham chaired the planning committee for the 40th anniversary party.”She did a great job,” agreed Excom. Dottie will ask Rachel if she would help out again. Betty Lawrence and Suzanne Boisclair were both mentioned as potential committee members. Ray cautioned against having particularly long-winded speakers during the program/entertainment segment.

The meeting closed with a call to bring younger members into the Club. With fewer people skiing, it’s essential to the Club’s future. “The ski trip is sacred,” said Rosemary.

Minutes submitted by Mary Beale, Secretary