Minutes – PVS ExCom Meeting – February 24, 2015

MEETING ATTENDEES: The meeting was held at the home of Jan Marx. In attendance were: Nancy McKinley, John Holt, Marianne Soponis, Bob Knopes, Ray McKinley, Jan Marx, Carolyn DeVilbiss, and Ellie Thayer. President, Nancy McKinley, chaired the meeting.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Secretary, Ellie Thayer, submitted the minutes of the January 27, 2015 meeting electronically. The minutes were approved and filed.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer, Dick Laeser, submitted the Treasurer’s Report electronically. The report was filed. The Treasury amount is $12,087.20. There was little activity during the past month.

MEMBERSHIP RECORDS REPORT: Membership chair, Dave Warthen, submitted the Membership Records Report electronically. The report was filed. ExCom discussed the status of the list of applicant members in the report. The vote for admittance for qualified applicants will be during the annual meeting in April. There are three applications pending for a single person and four applications for couples. ExCom determined, based on the applicants satisfying the requirements or by ExCom approval, that the following are eligible for vote: Aaron Schwartzbard and Martha Nelson, Kathy and Barry Lake, Thomas and Mary Tycz, and James Gunning.* More information was needed for the others. Nancy will confer with Dave and the sponsors to determine their status. It was noted that the sponsors should urge those eligible for vote to attend the April meeting.

* By email vote on March 20 and 21, applicant members Ben and Janet Hanson were approved for full membership based on their participation in the 2015 Eurofest trip. Their names will be submitted for vote at the April meeting.

EVENTS AND MEETINGS REPORT: Events and meetings chair, Ray McKinley, gave a status report on upcoming events and meetings.

March 22, 2015 – monthly meeting to be hosted by Maryann Rozzell at 2PM.

March 24, 2015 – ExCom to be held telephonically at 7:30PM.

April 21, 2015 – annual meeting to be held in party room at Reg Heitchue’s condo at 7:30PM.

April 28, 2015 – ExCom to be hosted by Carolyn DeVilbiss at 7:30PM.

November 1, 2015 – PVS Golden Jubilee at Top of the Town, Rosslyn, VA.

The group discussed possible future events. The ideas included a picnic, possibly at Smokey Joe’s in MD or at Great Falls, the spring fair at the National Cathedral, a Wolf Trap outing, Steak and Swim at the Hines’ house, and a Road Scholar trip to London to see shows. Jan Marx reminisced about lobster bakes of old.

SKI TRIP COMMITTEE REPORT: Ski Trip Committee Chair, Rosemary Schwartzbard, was not in attendance. Nancy noted that on the most-recent trip to Mt. Bachelor the weather was not good, but the fun was. The third and last 2015 PVS trip, to Austria, is soon to depart.

There was nothing further reported about the 2016 ski trips. Last month ExCom approved both the Snowmass trip (January 13 – 20, 2016) and PVS/BRSC Snowbird trip (January 30 – February 6). There is a possibility that someone will lead a PVS contingent on the European BRSC trip in March 2016.

PVS GOLDEN JUBILEE COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee chair, Rosemary, was not in attendance, but other members of the committee were, i.e., Nancy, Ray, Marianne, Carolyn, and Jan. They reported informally on ideas discussed at their recent meeting. The committee decided on the name “Jubilee” for the event. ExCom agreed that it was a good choice and formally determined that the event name should be “PVS Golden Jubilee.” Save the Date announcements will be in the March and April TOOTs and a full-length article will appear in the May TOOT. Dave will be asked to send an email announcement at the end of March. To encourage early RSVPs, the individual cost assessed for the event may increase for later responses. Nancy will check with Dick Laeser regarding to whom checks will be made out (PVS?) and how the payment system will work. Nancy has volunteered to receive checks in the first instance before they are transmitted to Dick.

TOOT REPORT: TOOT Coordinator, Ellie Thayer, did not give a report.

OLD BUSINESS: There was one item of old business.

Telephone tree potential: Inge, who is spearheading this project, was not in attendance. Carolyn, who is assisting Inge, said that they would concentrate on the project after the Austrian ski trip was over. Carolyn had a copy of Dave’s Excel spread sheet identifying PVS members by state/District and further grouped by zip codes. Carolyn has given Inge a copy of the document. Carolyn and others in the group estimated that perhaps 100 people would remain on the list after some names were removed. For example, Nancy said that officers and ExCom should not have to be called. Perhaps 10 callers will be asked to call 10 people each. The system will be set up later. Nancy commented that it might have been valuable the day the February meeting was cancelled. She called about 10 people, some of whom were planning to go to Maryann Rozzell’s house.

NEW BUSINESS: There was one item of new business.

March and April ExCom Dates/Locations: The March ExCom meeting will be held telephonically on March 24 and Carolyn will host the April ExCom meeting at her home on April 28.

ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted aye and the meeting was adjourned at 9:10PM.

Minutes submitted by the secretary, Ellie Thayer.